Diamond Glow

Instructions prior to your treatment:
Stop the use of Retin-A, tretinoin, glycolic and salicylic acids or any other cell turnover products one week prior to treatment.
Come to your appointment with a clean, makeup-free face.
Post treatment instructions:
Avoid exercise for 12 -24 hours post-procedure. You may otherwise resume your daily activities or return to work immediately.
Mineral make up can be applied following treatment. If you experience discomfort following make-up application, remove it immediately.
Sunscreen will be applied to your skin before you leave. You must protect your skin every day with a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher.
Avoid direct sun exposure. All tanning and tanning beds must be avoided during the course of treatments.
Use a gentle cleanser, hydrating moisturizer and sunscreen.
Do not use alpha hydroxy acids, beta hydroxy acids, benzoyl peroxide or topical acne medications for three to seven days following treatment. You may resume the use of these products after all sensitivity has subsided.
You may resume prescription retinoid products (Retin A, Renova, Tretinoin, Avita, Alustra or other brands of Tretinoin) and other non prescription retinoid products (Adapalene, Avage, Differin) seven (7) days after last treatment, or as instructed by your technician.
Refrain from waxing, electrolysis or other hair removal methods for 4 weeks. Upon resumption, please notify your technician that you recently had an exfoliating facial treatment.
Refrain from Dysport, Botox and injectable fillers for two weeks following your exfoliating treatment.